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Welcome to the Kaufman County Sheriff's Office Website

Take Me Home

Logo with Hands and words "take me home"

911 Registry For Special-Needs

The Take Me Home program is a FREE service available for all residents of Kaufman County, for adults and children who may have difficulty communicating due to a developmental or cognitive disability.

The database is maintained by the Kaufman County Sheriff’s Office Communications Division. It is only accessible to law enforcement personnel and may include a photograph, disability information, physical description and emergency contact information.

Take Me Home logo inside state of texas logo

If a person in the Take Me Home program is encountered by a deputy or a police officer dispatched by Kaufman County, personnel can access the database and quickly retrieve critical information that can help in communicating with the individual and a safe return to the caregiver.

Who can enroll?

Any adult OR child who may have difficulty communicating due to a developmental or cognitive disability. These individuals tend to be at risk for wandering, and may include people with disabilities such as Alzheimer’s, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dementia, Down syndrome, etc.

The form is available online (below) or to download and print.

You may fill out the form and bring it to the Kaufman County Sheriff’s Office at 1900 East US Hwy 175 Kaufman TX or mail it to P.O. Drawer 849 Kaufman TX 75142 or email at [email protected].

For any further questions, please contact Kaufman County Sheriff’s Office and speak to Lieutenant Tracy West at 972-932-9733 or Dispatch at 469-376-4500